"Miller has taken the time and to lay out not just vision but also the execution. What are the actual steps an organization and its leaders need to take to achieve their desired goals? Miller has it right there in GETTING TO LEAN." Dorothy Marcic, Ph.D.
"Great book and fantastic step by step guide to get High Performance Teams on High Performance Organizations!" Rafael Lucero
There are two bodies of knowledge upon which the methods in this book are based. The first is Lean or Toyota Production System. The second is behavior analysis or behavioral psychology.
“For those faculty with some background in management theory, leadership, and organization behavior, Larry Miller’s new book, Lean Culture, The Leader’s Guide, is an excellent refresher in a very applied way. that is, how to build lean organizations." Professor Jay Heizer
"One day your sluggish company will taken to the sound of a beating drum and the sight of a competitor approaching at ramming speed. On deck will be a jut-jawed Barbarian....He will hardly blink as his target is ripped asunder, sending Aristocrats, Bureaucrats and their unfortunate shipmates to their corporate death....So goes Mr. Miller's tale, from which we can all profit." The Wall Street Journal
"Last week I finished this book and I absolutely loved it. It's now a required reading for all managers at my company, they need to know the principles that guide our path as we build and grow. Without exaggeration this has been the best business/management book I have ever read." Payam Zamani